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✔️ Resolved Nice to see the site active, but should more admin specific activity be pushed?

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Jan 5, 2023
But the bad thing is... I've found very few interesting topics that actually deal with administration (of either sites or servers or various scripts).
I realize it's hard to get topical posts, and in some ways the activity over here is WAY out-pacing it's major competitor... but they ARE having a "few"valid discussions over there.
That "major competitor" is going the way of the dodo, so there's a real need to start getting admin specific related topics created here to attract other users... All I can say is I'll personally try to do more to do such... even though lately my time is very limited. I'm not the greatest at "starting" topic... but in some cases, I can bring in a view (even if an alternative that some/many may not agree with).
There will be days that more niche content is posted and there will be days where more community content is posted. Both are however very important for a thriving community. I haven’t been able to post much admin content but I definitely have it coming soon. :)

We shouldn’t compare ourselves to any other forum that is way longer established. But I get what you’re trying to say. Both aspects are very important and the one is gonna take over the other at times. Nothing to be concerned of.

Thanks for your input though - it’s appreciated.
Ultimately... idle chatter between current users does not do that much to bring outside traffic... so honestly, we all should be working on at least a couple of times a week addressing site content specific posts.
I'm a prime example... I use a few scripts currently... but as I said, I'm more "occupied" currently on my hobby trying to generate content for my own site... and unluckily that takes time to do.
Eventually I plan on getting back to my VM Server and documenting a simple AlmaLinux/CentMin Mod setup and writing an article on it for here. I may even later do one for setting up mailcow-dockerized for use as an MTA by those that want to pursue that avenue instead of availing themselves of currently existing 3rd party services.. but unluckily, even though I can "set one up" pretty quick... getting documentation written that most can understand is a little harder... meanwhile, simply getting one image processed for my site can take about 3-5 hours to do. Currently for my M92 processing (never mind the capture time), I've already got about 6 hours of time in on "tweaking" the image, and I'm still not happy with it.


Kind of hard to believe that something that simplistic can take that much time to even get to a "semi-decent" level. And honestly.. creating content for my site takes precedence for most other pursuits... other than gaining more data to create more content! 🙉
For me for example, some days I’m more admin focused and want to discuss those things. I’ve created many admin related threads recently. Other days I have more of a general discussion I would like. That is the great thing about the flexibility of forums.

If you can think of some experiences you have gone through as an admin, or as an observer as a member, it would be great to post based on those experiences! i understand it’s hard to create threads - but it takes the whole community to do this as well.

We welcome the input for sure! Heck even this topic would be good in an admin area “what if people are not posting in the niche specific areas?” Would be a good discussion that you kind of came up with since you had this question. :)
For me for example, some days I’m more admin focused and want to discuss those things. I’ve created many admin related threads recently. Other days I have more of a general discussion I would like. That is the great thing about the flexibility of forums.

If you can think of some experiences you have gone through as an admin, or as an observer as a member, it would be great to post based on those experiences! i understand it’s hard to create threads - but it takes the whole community to do this as well.

We welcome the input for sure! Heck even this topic would be good in an admin area “what if people are not posting in the niche specific areas?” Would be a good discussion that you kind of came up with since you had this question. :)
I actually moved this topic from the general web discussion because I thought it was more AJ related but yes, we can move it back and put a more general tone to it.
Perhaps adding that question in the thread title as well as beginning of the topic would assist in the discussion! :)
😄Some of ya'll will have a reasonable idea why i've suddenly been hangin round like a bad smell here lately.

For one, imo i owe a great debt of honour,...and secondly, Admin-Junkies has proven a valuable asset for one traveling this particular learning journey.

i can't deny that prior to now, whenever a forum issue arose i'd bang the query into Google and ~90±% of the results would send me to XF community/or the various similar ones.

i was fortunate to even find AJs in the first place through a random link someone had posted in some other forum admin focused board.

Although i guess since i own a forum that i should logically be really into hardcore admin subjects—but i'm just not, and am only going so far as is necessary & admittedly information comprehension for me is largely restricted due to lack of experiential knowledgeability.

Now my forum is a crippled mess at the moment and i'm definitely not in the 'Webmaster' league with ya'll,...plus subjectively my preference is now nzfsf over all other forums for many critical reasons—yet while here i'd like to offer something of value to the 'Webmaster' community.

Thus within my posts i am attempting to present somewhat topically relative insight from outside the "norm", whether usefulness can be discerned is up to you, dear reader.

So here it is; whenever seeking answers to any arising forum admin issues, what i—as a severely computarded goober—have been experiencing has been an overwhelming sense (*comprehensively & in terms of practicality) for what appears as a generally presented technical exclusivity complex.

For an idiot like me, i go to XF community for a simple answer and just cannot bloody well find it.


😂Yeah obviously partly due to technical ignorance—yet i am most certainly not intellectually deficient.

i simply cannot make sense of what may as well be an alien language.

In summary; although i can't really address the question "should more admin specific activity be pushed?"
i would like to add that perhaps in addition there may be room to consider potential benefits from pushing more admin specific activity—for dummies too.😅
😄Some of ya'll will have a reasonable idea why i've suddenly been hangin round like a bad smell here lately.

For one, imo i owe a great debt of honour,...and secondly, Admin-Junkies has proven a valuable asset for one traveling this particular learning journey.

i can't deny that prior to now, whenever a forum issue arose i'd bang the query into Google and ~90±% of the results would send me to XF community/or the various similar ones.

i was fortunate to even find AJs in the first place through a random link someone had posted in some other forum admin focused board.

Although i guess since i own a forum that i should logically be really into hardcore admin subjects—but i'm just not, and am only going so far as is necessary & admittedly information comprehension for me is largely restricted due to lack of experiential knowledgeability.

Now my forum is a crippled mess at the moment and i'm definitely not in the 'Webmaster' league with ya'll,...plus subjectively my preference is now nzfsf over all other forums for many critical reasons—yet while here i'd like to offer something of value to the 'Webmaster' community.

Thus within my posts i am attempting to present somewhat topically relative insight from outside the "norm", whether usefulness can be discerned is up to you, dear reader.

So here it is; whenever seeking answers to any arising forum admin issues, what i—as a severely computarded goober—have been experiencing has been an overwhelming sense (*comprehensively & in terms of practicality) for what appears as a generally presented technical exclusivity complex.

For an idiot like me, i go to XF community for a simple answer and just cannot bloody well find it.


😂Yeah obviously partly due to technical ignorance—yet i am most certainly not intellectually deficient.

i simply cannot make sense of what may as well be an alien language.

In summary; although i can't really address the question "should more admin specific activity be pushed?"
i would like to add that perhaps in addition there may be room to consider potential benefits from pushing more admin specific activity—for dummies too.😅
That's honestly a good idea. We often forget about our fresh webmasters and focus on content that is more advanced. So I'll definitely try to release content for fresh webmasters - although that might take a while and maybe also be found in a different forum - I don't know, I'd need to look into a way to have it seamlessly integrated with the rest of the forum. Having said that, don't forget we have a Web & Forum Support section where you could always ask for anything you don't know.
We're definitely having more admin-focused conversation than there was previously - and that's great. But we can always have more.

The main drama for me is understanding where to pitch any of that - guides on configuring VPSes would be interesting but I suspect to sadly too few (you'd be surprised how many people I've spoken to who don't understand that the software is not the host), and I know we have a healthy contingent of Jcink/Zetaboards folks who don't really live over in the same strata. (Note, this is not a value judgement; that's just an acknowledgement of the different layers going on)

Yes, The Other Place has more conversations. But it has conversations where the same parties keep stating the same points but that, essentially, no-one's really listening to anyone else any more. It's why I got bored and moved on. The fact most debates turned into logical fallacy wars was also similarly exhausting.

I think there's room for discussions of all levels in this - there's room for 'how do I get going', 'what's important when I start' level discussions. There's room for 'I'm at 500 posts and I'm stuck, how do I get it going again' level posts. And there's room for the much more serious 'I'm at x00,000 posts, I've outgrown my hardware, how do I level it up' style conversations. They're all welcome here.

But I also think we need to be very mindful that there is a fine line between straight up disparagement and critical thinking 'telling it like it is'. As a former boss of mine used to unironically say: don't bring me problems, bring me solutions. Complaining about the status quo isn't going to fix the status quo, no matter how much 'greasing the squeaky wheel' this is purported to be.
The main drama for me is understanding where to pitch any of that - guides on configuring VPSes would be interesting but I suspect to sadly too few (you'd be surprised how many people I've spoken to who don't understand that the software is not the host), and I know we have a healthy contingent of Jcink/Zetaboards folks who don't really live over in the same strata. (Note, this is not a value judgement; that's just an acknowledgement of the different layers going on)
I don't think you should stop yourself from posting anything that you want that is admin or forum or hosting related.

Such is the beauty of forums where we can flit in and out of conversations we find interesting.
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